yoga cu nico

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Politica de confidențialitate

Mantre Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Mantre Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Mantra de inceput in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

(Se canta o data, la inceputul orei de yoga, inainte de Surya Namaskar A)


vande gurūṇāṁ caraṇāravinde
sandarśita svātma sukhāva bodhe

I bow to the lotus feet of our great teachers,
who uncovers our true self and awakens happiness

niḥ-śreyase jaṅgali-kāyamāne
saṁsāra hālāhala mohaśāṁtyai

Like a Shaman in the Jungle he brings total complete well-beeing.
He can even heal the most awful poision of conditioning and illusion.

ābāhu puruṣākāraṁ
śaṁkhacakrāsi dhāriṇam

The upper body of human shape, carrying
a mussel horn (original tone), a discus (infinity) and a sword (power of differentiation)

sahasra śirasaṁ śvetaṁ
praṇamāmi patañjalim

having 1000 bright heads,
I bow to Patanjali.


Mangala Mantra – mantra de incheiere a practicii Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

(Se canta la finalul practicii Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, dupa executarea completa a unui Salut al Soarelui de tip A)

svasti-prajā-bhyaḥ pari-pāla-yaṁtāṁ
nyāyena mārgeṇa mahīṁ mahīśāḥ

May the well-being of all people be protected
By the powerful and mighty leaders be with law and justice.

go-brāhmaṇebhyaḥ śubham-astu nityaṁ
lokāḥ samastāḥ sukhino-bhavaṁtu

May good success be with all cows (divinity) and scholars
May all (samastah) the worlds (lokha) become (bhavantu) happy (sukhino).

auṁ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntih

Om peace, peace, peace